Recent Water Damage Posts

Weathering the Storm: Roof Leaks and Water Damage Inspection and Repairs

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

Your roof serves as the first line of defense against the elements, shielding your home from rain, wind, and snow. However, over time, wear and tear, extreme weather, and other factors can compromise its integrity, leading to roof leaks and water damage. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of inspecting for roof leaks, identifying signs of water damage, and undertaking necessary repairs to protect your home from further harm.

Understanding Roof Leaks

Roof leaks can occur for various reasons, including damaged shingles, deteriorated flashing, clogged gutters, and poor installation. Identifying the source of a roof leak can be challenging, as water can travel along rafters and beams before manifesting as visible damage inside the home. Common signs of roof leaks include water stains on ceilings and walls, peeling paint, warped wood, and damp insulation.

Conducting a Roof Inspection

Regular roof inspections are essential for detecting potential issues and addressing them before they escalate into costly repairs. Schedule inspections at least twice a year, preferably in the spring and fall, and after severe weather events. During the inspection, look for missing or damaged shingles, cracked flashing, deteriorated sealant around vents and chimneys, and signs of water infiltration in the attic.

Identifying Water Damage

Water damage resulting from roof leaks can manifest in various ways, depending on the severity and duration of the leak. Common signs of water damage include water stains on ceilings and walls, sagging or discolored drywall, bubbling paint or wallpaper, musty odors, and mold or mildew growth. It's essential to address water damage promptly to prevent further deterioration and mold growth.

Repairing Roof Leaks

Once roof leaks and water damage have been identified, prompt repairs are necessary to prevent further damage and protect your home's structural integrity. Depending on the extent of the damage, repairs may involve replacing missing or damaged shingles, resealing flashing and vents, repairing damaged roofing materials, and addressing underlying structural issues. It's advisable to enlist the services of a professional roofing contractor for complex repairs to ensure quality workmanship and long-lasting results.

Preventative Maintenance

In addition to addressing existing roof leaks and water damage, implementing preventative maintenance measures can help extend the lifespan of your roof and minimize the risk of future issues. Keep gutters and downspouts clear of debris to ensure proper drainage, trim overhanging branches to prevent damage from falling limbs, and inspect your roof regularly for signs of wear and tear. Investing in routine maintenance can save you time and money in the long run by preventing costly repairs and prolonging the life of your roof.

Roof leaks and water damage pose significant risks to the structural integrity and safety of your home. By conducting regular roof inspections, identifying signs of water damage, and promptly addressing roof leaks through repairs and preventative maintenance, you can protect your home from further harm and ensure its longevity. Don't wait until water damage becomes a costly problem – call SERVPRO of St. George to take proactive steps to safeguard your roof and preserve the integrity of your home.

The Importance of Professional Water Extraction Services: Safeguarding Your Home and Health

1/17/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage is a distressing experience for homeowners, causing both immediate and long-term consequences. When faced with flooding or significant water intrusion, professional water extraction services are essential in mitigating damage and ensuring a safe environment. In this blog, we will explore the importance of professional water extraction services and the benefits they offer.

Efficient and Thorough Water Removal

Professional water extraction services utilize advanced equipment and techniques to efficiently and thoroughly remove water from affected areas. With high-powered pumps and industrial-grade extractors, they can extract large volumes of water, even from hard-to-reach places like carpets, subfloors, and wall cavities. Effective water removal is crucial in preventing further damage and reducing the risk of mold growth and structural deterioration.

Preventing Mold Growth

Water damage creates optimal conditions for mold growth. Professional water extraction services prioritize rapid water removal to minimize moisture levels and discourage mold proliferation. By responding promptly and employing specialized drying techniques, they can stop mold growth in its tracks, ensuring the safety and well-being of homeowners.

Mitigating Structural Damage

Excess water can seep into building materials, compromising their integrity and stability. Professional water extraction services help prevent structural damage by swiftly removing standing water and moisture from porous surfaces like drywall, insulation, and wooden structures. By addressing water damage promptly, these services help preserve the structural integrity of your home and avoid costly repairs or even potential collapse.

Advanced Drying and Dehumidification

Professional water extraction services go beyond water removal and employ advanced drying and dehumidification techniques. By using specialized equipment such as high-powered fans, dehumidifiers, and moisture meters, they can effectively dry and restore affected materials. Thorough drying minimizes the risk of secondary damage caused by lingering moisture, such as warping, swelling, and mold growth.

Expertise and Experience

Professional water extraction technicians possess extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with various water damage scenarios. They understand the complexities of water migration, the different types of water contamination, and the appropriate restoration methods for each situation. Their expertise enables them to assess the extent of damage accurately and implement the most efficient and appropriate water extraction techniques.

Safety Measures

Water damage can create electrical hazards, slippery surfaces, and potential contamination risks. Professional water extraction services prioritize safety by taking necessary precautions such as switching off electricity, wearing protective gear, and implementing appropriate disinfection procedures. Their experienced teams are trained to navigate potentially hazardous environments, mitigating the risk of accidents or further harm.

Professional water extraction services play a crucial role in restoring homes affected by water damage. By efficiently removing water, preventing mold growth, mitigating structural damage, employing advanced drying techniques, and prioritizing safety, these services help homeowners recover quickly and ensure a safe living environment. When faced with water damage, engaging professional water extraction services is a wise investment in safeguarding your home.

The Importance of Quick Water Damage Restoration

10/16/2023 (Permalink)

Drying equipment in a commercial space. When it comes to water damage, time is of the essence.

Water damage is a common and potentially devastating issue that many homeowners face. Whether it's due to a burst pipe, a leaky roof, or a flood, the aftermath of water damage can be overwhelming. In these situations, one of the most critical factors in minimizing the long-term impact is timely water damage restoration. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of acting quickly and efficiently when it comes to water damage restoration, highlighting the benefits it provides for both your property and your peace of mind.

Prevents Mold Growth

One of the primary concerns when dealing with water damage is the potential for mold growth. Mold thrives in damp environments, and it can start growing within 24 to 48 hours of water exposure. If left unchecked, mold can spread rapidly and cause not only structural damage but also health issues for you and your family. By initiating the restoration process promptly, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of mold growth and mitigate any associated risks.

Minimizes Structural Damage

Water has a way of infiltrating and weakening structural components of your home. It can saturate walls, floors, and ceilings, compromising their integrity and stability over time. Delaying the restoration process allows water to seep deeper into materials, increasing the potential for irreversible damage. By promptly removing standing water, drying out affected areas, and repairing any structural issues, you can minimize the overall damage and preserve the structural integrity of your property.

Prevents Secondary Damage

Water damage often leads to additional problems if not addressed promptly. Excess moisture can lead to warping and swelling of wood, corrosion of metal, and deterioration of fabrics and belongings. It can also weaken electrical systems, creating safety hazards. Taking timely action to mitigate water damage helps prevent these secondary issues from arising, saving you from further costly repairs down the line.

Preserves Belongings and Possessions

Water damage can wreak havoc on your personal belongings and treasured possessions. Items such as furniture, electronics, documents, and sentimental objects are all vulnerable to water damage. The longer they remain in contact with water or moisture, the more difficult it becomes to salvage them. Acting quickly to start the restoration process can improve the chances of saving and restoring your belongings, minimizing the emotional and financial impact of loss.

Reduces Overall Restoration Costs

Timely water damage restoration can also lead to significant cost savings. Addressing the issue promptly prevents further damage, minimizing the scope of restoration required. The longer water damage is left unattended, the more extensive the restoration process becomes, involving more extensive repairs and potentially more expensive services. By acting quickly, you can limit the extent of restoration needed, helping to keep costs manageable.

When it comes to water damage, time is of the essence. Acting promptly and efficiently in initiating the restoration process can make a world of difference in minimizing the long-term impact and costs associated with water damage. From preventing mold growth and minimizing structural damage to preserving your belongings and reducing overall restoration costs, there are numerous compelling reasons to prioritize timely water damage restoration. Remember, seeking professional assistance for water damage restoration is essential to ensure a thorough and effective restoration process. So, don't delay - act swiftly to protect your property and restore peace of mind.

How to Take Care of Pipe Breaks: Essential Steps for Damage Control

7/25/2023 (Permalink)

Dealing with a pipe break in your home or business can be a stressful and potentially damaging situation. A burst or leaking pipe can lead to water damage, property loss, and disruption of daily activities. Knowing how to take immediate action is crucial to minimize the impact of a pipe break and prevent further damage. In this blog, we will outline essential steps to help you take care of pipe breaks effectively.

Shut off the Water

The first and most crucial step when dealing with a pipe break is to shut off the water supply. Locate the main water shut-off valve, typically found near the water meter or where the main water line enters the building. Turn the valve clockwise to stop the flow of water and prevent additional flooding.

Assess the Damage

Once the water supply is shut off, assess the extent of the damage caused by the pipe break. Check for standing water, visible leaks, and any signs of structural damage. Document the damage by taking photographs or videos for insurance purposes.

Drain the Pipes

To minimize further water damage, drain the remaining water from the pipes. Open all faucets and flush toilets to empty the water lines. This step helps alleviate pressure within the system and reduces the risk of additional leaks or bursts.

Remove Excess Water

Using mops, towels, or a wet/dry vacuum, remove standing water from affected areas. Promptly drying out the space helps prevent mold growth, water damage to flooring or walls, and potential structural issues.

Call a Professional

Contact a licensed plumber or restoration professional to assess the pipe break, repair or replace the damaged pipe, and address any related issues. Experienced professionals have the expertise and tools to handle pipe repairs efficiently and effectively.

Mitigate Water Damage

Take steps to mitigate water damage while waiting for professional assistance. Use fans or dehumidifiers to promote airflow and accelerate the drying process. Remove wet materials, such as carpets or furniture, to prevent further damage and potential mold growth.

Document and Notify

Document all damage, including photographs, videos, and written descriptions, to support insurance claims. Notify your insurance company as soon as possible to initiate the claims process and follow their instructions for filing a claim.

Preventive Measures

After the pipe break is resolved, consider taking preventive measures to avoid future incidents. Insulate exposed pipes, especially in areas prone to freezing temperatures, and consider installing water leak detection devices to provide early warning of potential leaks.

Dealing with a pipe break requires swift and decisive action to minimize water damage and protect your property. By shutting off the water supply, assessing the damage, draining the pipes, removing excess water, and contacting professionals for repairs, you can effectively manage a pipe break situation. Prompt action, documentation, and insurance claim filing are crucial for a smooth recovery process. Remember to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of future pipe breaks and ensure the long-term integrity of your plumbing system.

How do you keep pipes from freezing?

3/15/2023 (Permalink)

Frozen pipes can cause damage to your home, and they can also lead to expensive repairs. The best way to prevent frozen pipes is to take precautions during winter months. You may not be able to prevent all freezing, but you can minimize damage.

Take precautions during winter months.

Taking precautions during the winter months can help reduce pipe breaks when the weather starts to warm up. Keeping all unneeded rooms doors closed to keep rooms warm.

Don't leave faucets running for long periods of time--even if you're not using much water at all! Running water causes excess condensation that can freeze inside pipes and cause them to burst when temperatures drop overnight or during cold snaps in springtime.

Avoid using heating pads on pipes--they're notorious for causing damage! If you must use one around your plumbing system, make sure it's only on low settings so as not to overheat anything near where they're located. Also keep an eye out for signs of melting plastic or rubber seals around where these devices are placed because they could leak into other areas nearby if left unattended long enough.

Insulate pipes and keep wrapped in foam or other insulating material.

Use a heat tape to keep pipes warm, especially if you don't have central heating. The best way to do this is to wrap the tape around your main water pipe line, which runs through the basement and into your home's walls or crawlspace. Heat tapes can be purchased online or at hardware stores, but installation requires some DIY skills and may require hiring an electrician if you're unsure of what you're getting into.

Use a thermostat-controlled switch to turn off power when temperatures drop below freezing outside so that no heat is wasted inside your home on non-essential items such as lights, televisions and computers and thus lessening their impact on heating costs.

Turn down the heat thermostat on your water heater

Turn down the heat thermostat on your water heater so it will not be as cold when it is turned on. This can help reduce the chance that water in pipes will freeze and burst.

How do you turn down a thermostat? If your water heater has an adjustable dial, turn it to a lower setting (between 120 degrees F and 125 degrees F). If not, contact a professional plumber who can adjust or replace the unit with one that has an adjustable thermostat control. If your existing unit is already frozen, call SERVPRO for your emergency plumbing service immediately.

You can take steps to prevent frozen pipes and minimize damage if they do freeze. The best way to prevent frozen pipes is by taking precautions during winter months. You may not be able to prevent all freezing, but you can minimize damage by following these steps. Give SERVPRO of St. George a call today!

The Water Damage Restoration Process Explained

11/6/2022 (Permalink)

Drywall removal due to water damage. If you have water damage in your home call SERVPRO of St. George.

The Water Damage Restoration Process Explained

Water damage can be a frightening experience. There are many steps involved, which can be confusing if you're not familiar with the process. We've created this guide to help you understand what to expect during the water damage restoration process.

Contacting a Water Restoration Company

If you have water damage, the first thing to do is contact a water damage restoration company. You should ask for a free estimate. The person who gives you an estimate will want to know:

  • how much water has gotten into your home or business
  • how long the area was wet before it was discovered
  • what caused the leak and where it occurred in your property's structure.

Ask about their experience with similar problems and how they will approach this one. It's also important to find out how long it will take for them to complete the job. Ask about their insurance coverage, as well as any certifications they have that relate specifically to water damage restoration work in your area.

Inspection and Evaluation

The first step in the water damage restoration process is an inspection and evaluation. The goal of this step is to determine the extent of damage and assess the extent of the damage. If you do, contact a company that specializes in water damage restoration, like SERVPRO of St. George. This will help them determine what type of equipment they’ll need and how long it will take for your home or business to be restored.

Once you have contacted them, they will come out to assess the situation. They may perform tests like taking moisture readings from different parts of the property so they can determine where exactly all this moisture is coming from. They will also take pictures throughout the entire process!

Water Removal

The next step in the water damage restoration process is to remove all of the water from a property. To do this, professionals will use a wet/dry vacuum for dry extraction or an industrial pump for extraction. The goal is to remove as much moisture as possible before any other steps in the process are taken.

The importance of removing all excess moisture from your property cannot be understated: not only does it prevent further damage, but it can also help prevent mold growth and ensure that your home doesn’t become uninhabitable due to unsafe conditions. For many people, water removal is often seen as being one of the most stressful parts of dealing with a flood or another type of spillage because there are so many factors involved.

Drying and Dehumidification

Next, you need to dry out and dehumidify the home to prevent mold growth. The longer you wait, the more likely mold growth will occur. If drying and dehumidifying are not completed in a timely manner, the structure of your home can be permanently damaged by water damage.

Once you have dried out the affected area, you will need to clean up all of the water that remains in it, even the moisture that has been absorbed into the floors, walls, and ceilings. This task is best left up to professionals who have experience dealing with water damage restoration so that they can properly dispose of any hazardous materials.

Cleaning and Repairing

After the water damage is thoroughly cleaned up, you need to make sure that the property is safe to occupy again. This can be challenging without the proper knowledge,  equipment, and cleaning solutions. That’s why we use experienced and knowledgeable technicians who have been trained on how best to get your home back in shape before it’s too late.

When we finish with your property, it will look like nothing ever happened! You will be able to move back into your home with no worries whatsoever.

The water damage restoration process can be complicated. You’ve probably heard stories of homeowners going through this on their own, but they almost always end up making things worse if they don’t have the right equipment or know-how. It’s definitely worth it to call in the professionals when dealing with water damage because they know exactly what they’re doing and will handle everything from start to finish so you don't have to worry about anything else! If you need help with any of these steps, give our SERVPRO of St. George team a call today!

How a Certified Water Damage Pro Expedites the Cleaning Process

6/21/2022 (Permalink)

How a Certified Water Damage Professional Speeds Up the Restoration Process

Whether your business faces water issues from a broken pipe or storm flooding, it's wise to call on a professional to handle the cleaning and restoration process. Here is what you can expect from certified pros in Hurricane, UT, that perform water clean up to your commercial building.

1. Prompt Emergency Service
When you notice any trace of pooling water in your commercial space, a water damage restoration company will provide quick service at any hour of the day to minimize overall damage. 

2. Efficient Water Clean Up and Removal

Restoration professionals, particularly those recognized by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), are trained with the highest industry standards. Those certified will provide swift extraction of water to ensure a hassle-free cleanup process. Once the excess water has been removed, they will move on to disinfect any space or surfaces impacted by moisture.

3. Sanitization

Any water damage project must include deep sanitizing. This step not only kills any growth or bacteria present in the water, but prepares surfaces like ceilings and walls to withstand any necessary repairs. During this step, experts may also use deodorization techniques to eliminate any stench within the building.

4. Proper Drying of Space and Contents

Getting surfaces and items fully dried is paramount to any water damage restoration project. Technicians who are IICRC-certified in Commercial Drying can best expedite this process. With plenty of expertise regarding the proper methods to get both building structures and their contents dry, these professionals prevent the growth of mold and other hazards due to items retaining their moisture. Once the space is properly dried, building repairs and restoration will begin.

A water clean-up process is made much easier with the help of cleaning and restoration professionals. They provide emergency service and work swiftly to remove excess water, sanitize the building, and thoroughly dry everything before repairs may begin.

3 FAQs About Homeowner’s Insurance and Water Damage

4/19/2022 (Permalink)

3 Commonly Asked Questions About Homeowners Insurance And Water Damage

There has been a lot of water lately in Washington, UT. This has brought up a lot of questions about insurance. Most people want to know if their policy will cover a flood, burst pipe, or other issues. If it is not, they could be spending a lot of money to fix broken pipe fittings and other parts, clean up water, and replace their personal belongings. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

1. Does Insurance Cover Burst Pipes?

Homeowner's insurance does cover the damage from a flood caused by a burst pipe. However, this is only true if the pipe burst suddenly due to unforeseen circumstances. For instance, if an appliance breaks and water comes gushing into your kitchen, this will be covered. The insurance will pay for you to hire water remediation professionals and replace your damaged items in situations like this. However, if the pipe bursts due to poor maintenance, you will probably not receive any funds.

2. Are Frozen Pipes Covered?

Your insurance will only cover frozen pipes if you have taken reasonable steps to prevent freezing. This is because each situation is unique. Plus, there is room for interpretation in this statement. Your insurance company will send out an adjuster to determine if you are eligible. They will look at the source and determine if the damage could have been prevented. That means that any insulation or preventative measures you provide for your plumbing will work in your favor.

3. What Happens When There Is Flooding in a Home?

Damage caused by excessive groundwater or storms is generally not covered. In these cases, you would need a separate flood insurance policy to pay for the damage.

Your insurance coverage can have a lot of limitations when it comes to water damage. To properly protect yourself, you need to know what your policy covers and take any measures to increase your chances of receiving funds.

Three Things You Should Know About Water Damage

2/7/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning a house after water damage. At SERVPRO we can repair both the water source in your home and the resulting damage. If you notice water in your home, do not hesitate to call us.

Water Damage: Three Things You Should Know

Water from a storm or pipe burst is often the cause of home damage, but it is likely that you don’t know all there is to know about this common problem. Here are a few things to keep in mind in the event of water damage to your St. George home.

1. It Can Come From a Variety of Sources

There are many things that can cause water damage. In the winter, frozen pipes can break, and snow or ice can cause damage to your roof and create a leak. A broken water line can also cause quite a bit of damage. Water can also come from a smaller source, such as a leaky pipe or cracks in the walls.

2. It Is Not Always Covered By Homeowners Insurance

Depending on the source of the water damage, you will not always be covered by your insurance. One example is if you have failed to maintain your home properly and a broken pipe or appliance is found to be caused by negligence. Another instance when you will generally not be covered is if the damage is caused by flooding. Most homeowners policies do not cover this type of natural disaster, and you will need to have a separate flood policy.

3. It Can Cause Significant Damage

Even if the source of damage seems insignificant, you should have it dealt with right away. A leaky window may not be as much of an emergency as having a pipe burst, but if it is ignored, the water damage will only worsen. Water can cause building materials to warp and can contribute to the growth of mold inside of your walls and flooring, so it should be taken care of as soon as you notice it.

Whether a pipe burst or a leaky roof has let in moisture, a professional water damage remediation service can help. They can repair both the source of water in your home as well as the resulting damage. If you notice water in your home, do not hesitate to get it fixed.

4 things to avoid doing after water damage

1/14/2022 (Permalink)

restoration machines are cleaning a house Homeowners may be unsure of what to do after water damage due to a burst pipe or any other cause, at SERVPRO, we can help.

After water Damage, There Are Four Things You Should Avoid Doing.

Homeowners may be unsure what to do after a residence suffers water damage from a broken pipe or any other cause. The most important measures include eliminating standing water, cleaning and disinfecting the area if necessary, and promoting drying. There are four things homeowners should avoid doing to limit damage and personal risk.

1. Allowing Water To Stand

Standing water can severely damage any structure. Water left standing will also become more contaminated. Clean Category One water emitted from a broken pipe can degrade to contaminated Category Two gray water within 48 hours. Contaminated water in home requires disinfection, whereas Category One damage can simply be dried.

2. Encountering Electrical Hazards

The risk of electrocution increases if a leak takes place near electrical fixtures, plugged-in appliances, or electrical wiring. The best way to limit this risk is to shut off the power at a breaker box. If water damage is present near this panel, contact the power company or an electrician.

3. Exposure To Contaminated Water

Heavily contaminated Category Three black water from a sewer backup or flooding may contain solid waste and other potentially dangerous substances. Even Category Two water may contain microbes or chemicals. It is advisable to wear personal protective equipment or hire water damage cleanup professionals.

4. Maintaining High Moisture Levels

High moisture levels that persist after any category of water damage will increase the risk of mold growth. Fungi require nutriment and moisture in order to thrive. Run a dehumidifier to lower moisture levels in the air and dry out porous materials.

It is important to avoid doing these things after discovering a broken pipe or another source of water damage in a home in Washington, UT. Each of these factors contributes to property damage or personal risk. The best way to avoid these factors is to contact a water damage mitigation and restoration service.